Engender Equality Annual Report 2022/23

Welcome to the Engender Equality 2022/23 Annual Report.


Engender Equality Philanthropic Report 2022/23

Welcome to the Engender Equality 2022/23 Philanthropic Report.


Engender Equality Submission

Submission on the Tasmanian Government’s Conversion Practices Bill - February, 2024

Engender Equality, a dedicated family violence service committed to fostering safe and supportive environments, seeks to express concern regarding the proposed Miscellaneous (Conversion Practices) Bill 2024 in Tasmania. As advocates for the wellbeing and safety of individuals and families impacted by family violence and gender-based violence, we express our reservations about the Bill’s current form and its potential implications.


Engender Equality Submission

Submission to the Sentencing Advisory Council - Mandatory Sentencing for Sex Offenders: Research Paper draft - (SHE) July, 2016

Submission to the Sentencing Advisory Council – Mandatory Treatment for Sex Offenders – Research Paper Draft


Engender Equality Submission

Submission to the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute - Review of the Law Relating to Self Defence - (SHE) 2015

Submission to the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute – review of the Law Relating to Self Defence 2015


Engender Equality Booklet

Leaving an Abusive Relationship?

Leaving an abusive or controlling relationship can be a very stressful and dangerous time as family violence is often heightened during a separation. Every woman’s situation is different but you don’t have to face separation alone. A family violence counsellor can provide you with emotional support and safety planning, particularly in the event you have to leave your partner in a hurry.


Engender Equality Booklet

Reproductive Coercion - A General Practice Resource

Reproductive coercion is both a form of interpersonal abuse and a form of sexual violence. It is usually perpetrated against women by male partners and almost always manifests within a broader pattern of controlling behaviours known as ‘coercive control’.


Engender Equality Booklet

Family Violence and the Workplace

Increasing numbers of Australian workplaces are introducing family violence workplace entitlements. Workplaces play a unique role in helping people who are living with violence and they have a responsibility to act if the effects of violence are flowing into someone’s work life.


Engender Equality Booklet

Engender Equality Service Brochure

A printable information brochure about Engender Equality services