Engender Equality recognises that any sensitive information, which has been disclosed to us, needs special care and protection. We are required by law, as detailed in the Privacy Act 1988 (“The Act”), to comply with a strict code of conduct to maintain the privacy of all personal information on record. This Privacy Policy complies with the privacy principles set out in the Act and explains how we apply them in practice.
Personal and sensitive Information
We may collect the following personal and sensitive information and undertake to hold it in a secure manner:
- Name and title
- Full contact details
- Personal opinions and comments on matters held on record
- And other documentary information
This information may be collected directly from correspondence, phone calls and e-mails.
Engender Equality undertakes to maintain a high quality of data on record and to update that information as appropriate to the function it serves. Additional personal information will only be collected if necessary to maintaining a high standard of service to members and the community at large, and the individuals involved will be consulted by the means specified in the Act. Additional sensitive information as defined in the Act, will only be collected with the consent of individuals involved and in accordance with the Act.
The information will only be used within Engender Equality for the purpose for which it was collected and in accordance with the Act. Engender Equality will not disclose to a third party, any personal or sensitive information without written consent of the individual concerned.
In the event of a formal ethical complaint against an individual pertaining to conduct, competency or breaches of the law, Engender Equality may be obliged to disclose personal information to an appropriate third party in accordance with the Act.
Security of Information
The entire process of collection, storage, transfer and use of personal information will be undertaken in a secure manner such that it fully protects all personal and sensitive information. On the cessation of connection with Engender Equality, the personal information will be held securely for as long as it is prudent and disposed of appropriately when the information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and in a manner specified by the Act.
Access and Correction
Individuals are entitled to access their own personal and sensitive information held by Engender Equality. Individuals are also entitled to change incorrect or out of date information. The request for access to personal information must be made in writing and the request will be processed in accordance with the Act.
Where lawful and practical, Engender Equality will offer the option for anonymity when providing personal information in the process of transacting Engender Equality services.
Engender Equality will not use identifiers assigned by government bodies and agencies. Many health-related practitioners/services are required to use Government identifiers like Medicare numbers, Centrelink reference numbers, drivers license or passport numbers to ID people.
While Engender Equality will take all reasonable care to keep their computers virus-free, we accept no liability for the transfer of viruses or other virus behaviours which are outside our control.
How to make a complaint about breach of privacy
We will take all due care to make sure that breaches of privacy will not occur but if you do have a complaint it is very important that you let us know. Please contact Engender Equality directly here