Engender Equality has launched the Brief Intervention (Short Term Counselling) Pilot Program, which is now underway. This trial program is designed to support people who will benefit from a responsive and short-term counselling intervention for experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV).

The Program is:

  • Free and confidential
  • Available for people in Tasmania over the age of 15 who have experienced intimate partner violence and have been assessed as eligible for the program
  • Available either face-to-face (Hobart only), by phone and/or online using Zoom
  • Available within a short timeframe of receiving your referral
  • Up to six 90-minute counselling appointments over a period of six months
  • Provides pathways for referral to Engender’s medium-long term Therapeutic Service and/or other services
  • A pilot program that includes an evaluation process and opportunities for you to provide feedback.

Engender is dedicated to providing therapeutic services that adapt to the evolving needs of our clients and communities, while upholding the highest standards of evidence-based practice.

Our Brief Intervention Pilot Program is a key step in our commitment to ensuring our therapeutic services stay relevant and responsive, while effectively addressing long wait times for our medium to long-term counselling services. 

Engender’s Brief Intervention Pilot Program is designed to deliver responsive, specialised services for individuals whose circumstances can be supported through a short-term counselling approach.  

Our Intake Practitioner will let you know if this program is suitable for you once you have completed an intake for Engender’s Therapeutic Services.  

Direct referrals to our Brief Intervention Pilot Program are not applicable.  If this program is suitable for you, it will be offered following the completion of our Therapeutic Services intake process. 

If you would like to access our Therapeutic Services, you can call us on (03) 6278 9090. If we are not available, please leave a confidential message and we will return your call as soon as we can. We operate during normal business hours. 

Or you can contact us (in confidence) here: 


If you are making an appointment on behalf of another person please complete our Referral Form and return it to us here.

Telehealth Services

If you are unable to access face-to-face sessions, we can provide counselling services via phone, or online using Zoom.

  • Phone Counselling
    For phone counselling, you will need to be in an area with reasonable phone reception or have access to a landline.
  • Online Video Counselling
    For video counselling, you will need an internet connection and a secure, private computer, mobile phone or tablet that runs Zoom. To make sure your phone and/or online services are right for you, read our Terms and Conditions.